Apply to Graduate

Applying to graduateis when a student formally informs the Office of the Registrar of the term expected to complete all degree requirements.

Three Graduation Dates

  • May (date corresponds with Commencement)
  • September 1 (no ceremony)
  • December 31 (no ceremony)

Coursework must be complete and graded by the graduation date for which applied. Incomplete grades in the final semester will prevent graduation.

How to Apply

  1. students at commencement
    Log in to
  2. Select 'Student Records'
  3. Select 'Graduation'
  4. Select 'Apply to Graduate'
  5. Screen: 'Curriculum Term Selection' select the term closest to the current term e.g. if filing in April 2023 then select Spring 2023. Click submit.
  6. Screen: 'Curriculum Selection' displays programs eligible to graduate from based on term selected in prior screen. If program is not displayed, return to previous screen and verify selected term is correct.
  7. Select the degree to file application for and click continue.
  8. Screen: 'Graduation Date Selection' select the term/date expected to graduate.
  9. The next several screens will display name as it will appear on diploma, and mailing address.
  10. Review all information for accuracy.

View application after filing

  1. Log in to
  2. Select 'Student Records'
  3. Select 'Graduation'
  4. Select 'View Application to Graduate'

Change Application Date

After 'Applying to Graduate' in Webcat you cannot modify your intended date of graduation in Webcat.
Contact theGraduation Officeif you need to change your applicate date.

Confirmation of Graduation

Approximately four weeks after the date of graduation, students may check their Academic Transcript on Webcat. Look at "Degrees Awarded", when the “Degree Date” displays the date of graduation, this confirms graduation.

If no date of graduation is displayed, the Office of the Registrar will contact the student to resolve any issues.