Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students are permitted to enroll for more than 20 credits only with the permission of their college dean. Students must submit petitions, approved by both adviser and college dean, to the Registrar’s Office. After the 30th day of the semester, students carrying more than 20 credits are billed a per-credit surcharge. Undergraduate students who are already registered full time and are paying full time tuition may audit classes with no additional tuition charges (special fees will apply).
A student is entitled to waive up to 6 credits of the tuition surcharge for “activity-type” courses. The following is a list of “activity-type” courses that may be waived: AERO 301-542, CHEM 501, CHEM 502, CHEM 503, INCO 501, MILT 401-502, MUSI 441-468; 536-564 (for non-majors only), PHYS 501, THDA 532, 589 (majors only).
Music and Music Education majors may receive a waiver of one credit per semester (up to 6) for Music courses numbered 441-468 (not including 444).
Graduate Students
Graduate students are charged full tuition plus the appropriate course charge for each credit beyond 16, if registered for more than 16 credits thirty days after the semester has begun. This applies to both courses taken for credit or audit. Tuition waivers awarded with assistantships and scholarships do not cover charges for tuition overload.
Students with questions about a tuition surcharge or bill, contact Student Accounts.
Questions about course registrations related to surcharges, contact theOffice of the Registrar.