COLSA Profiles


Name Project Major
Dan Birnstihl Evaluating Height Control Strategies for Hydroponically Grown Leafy Greens and Herbs Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Andrew Blake The Effects of Subiculum on Pre-Frontal Cortex in Spatial Memory TasksÌý(scroll down to "Memory research" subsection of article) Neuroscience and Behavior
Katherine Cart Changes in Turbidity in Maine Estuaries: Effect onÌýNeomysis americanaÌýFeeding Behavior and Diet Biology
Kimberly Celona Detection of White-Nose Syndrome Pathogen in Abandoned Military Bunkers Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology
Adam Chouinard Development of a System for Monitoring the Heart Rate of Freely Moving Lobsters Marine Biology
Benjamin Claxton Is Cytoplasmic Sequestration of p53 Characteristic of Patient-Derived Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) Cells and is the Mitochondrial Hsp70 Protein Mortalin Involved? Biochemistry
Christine DiMeo Approaches for Genetic Monitoring of Imperiled New England Cottontails Genetics
Samantha DocosÌý Effect of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) on the expression of cFLIP in Granulosa Cells Biomedical Sciences: Medical and Veterinary SciencesÌý
Travis Fischer Role of GLI3 in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Biochemistry, Molecular & Cellular Bioligy
Skunk Adenovirus-1 Surveillance Geospatial and Genomic Characterization Study Animal Science
Molly Jacobson Biodiversity and Conservation of Native Bee Pollinators in Southern New Hampshire Wildlife & Conservation Bio
Orrin Jones Winter Distribution Analysis of Wild Turkeys Surrounding Pease Tradeport Wildflife Management
Assessing Wetland Connectivity for the Endangered Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in Southern New Hampshire Wildlife & Conservation Biology
Caelie Kern Understanding the Molecular Mechanism behind Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML): Does the Heat Shock Protein Mortalin Sequester p53 Protein in the Cytoplasm of Human AML Cells? Neuroscience and Behavior
Katharine Langley Assessment of the Cyanobacteria Toxin BMAA in Aerosols from Lake Attitash, MA as a Possible Link with Lou Gehrig’s Disease Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
Caryn MacDonald Lamprey Gonadotropin – Releasing Hormone Analogs and Inhibition of Steroidogenesis in MaleÌýPetromyzonmarinus (Sea Lamprey) Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Tim Marquis A Comparative Study of Snap-Frozen vs. RNAlater® Tissue Preservation by In-situ Hybridization Characterization of Lamprey Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptors I, II, & III in the Brain and Pituitary of the Sea Lamprey,ÌýPetromyzon marinus Biomedical Science: Medical and Veterinary Sciences
Sarah Mikulak Examining the Predation of Oysters on Constructed Reefs Marine Biology
Erika Moretti An Investigation of the Potential Impacts of Invasive Green and Blue Crabs on the American Lobster Fishery in the Great Bay Estuary Zoology
Alexandra Papadakis On the Challenges and Opportunities in the NH Food System: A Farmer and Consumer Perspective Nutrition/Dietetics
Modeling the Impacts of Invasive Streamside Plants and Food Availability on Brook Trout Feeding and Growth Marine, Estuary, and Freshwater Biology
Wesley Smith Ecology of Nuisance, Suburban Black Bears in Southern New Hampshire Wildlife Management
Kathryn Taylor Behavioral and Biological Markers Underlying Vulnerability to Heroin Abuse Neuroscience & Behavior
Dan Turaj Expression of Genes in a Plant Undergoing Stress Biology
Laura Van Beaver Production of Decaffeinated Tea through Genetic Engineering Neuroscience & Behavior



Name Project Major
Jacqueline Amante Quantifying Methane Ebullitive Flux from Subarctic Ecosystems Environmental Science
Can Tropical Teak Plantations be Managed Sustainably for Both Timer and Water? An Experimental Thinning Study in Panama Environmental Science - Ecosystems
Sophia Burke How Does Thawing Permafrost Affect Methane Flux to the Atmosphere? Measuring Ebullitive Flux from Intermediate Thaw Ponds Environmental Science - Ecosystems
Michael Casazza Nutrient Deficiencies in Uganda Environmental Conservation
Lena Collins Invasive Species and Native Australian Clams Biology
Research on Malaria in Tanzania Zoology/English
Christine Hebert Targeting the p53 – mitochondria axis in Sarcomas Lacking p53 Mutations and MDM2 Amplification Medical Microbiology
Galina Kinsella Comparative Study of Behavioral Differences of Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Anthropogenically Populated Versus Unpopulated Environments Biomedical Science: Medical & Veterinary Sciences
Caryn MacDonald Evolutionary Studies of the Neuropeptide Y System in Vertebrates Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Jennie Marinucci Cross-Cultural Gerontology: Exploring Successful Aging in Thailand from a Health Professional View Biomedical Science: Medical & Veterinary Science
Amber McElhinney Analysis of Equine Aortic Valve Function Equine Science
Garrett Thompson Electrochemical Detection of DNA Methylation Related to Cancer Biochemistry
Heather Tucker Maasai/Elephant Conflicts and Crop Protection Animal Science/ Pre-Vet
Alicia Walsh Identifying Diet of Cheetahs and Other Carnivores through Genetic Markers and Scat Analysis Biomedical Science: Medical & Veterinary ScienceÌýÌý
